Directions to Omnicar GmbH in Bühl (77815)
Omnicar GmbH is located at Weinbrennerstraße 10, 77815 Bühl, in Bühl’s industrial area, easily accessible by car.
From the A5 Motorway:
- Take the “Bühl” exit (Exit 52).
- Follow the signs toward Bühl on L85.
- Turn right onto L87 and continue straight.
- Turn left onto Weinbrennerstraße.
- Omnicar GmbH is on the right at number 10.
From Bühl City Center:
- Drive south on Hauptstraße.
- Turn left onto L87.
- Turn right onto Weinbrennerstraße.
- Omnicar GmbH is on the right at number 10.
Contact Information:
- Address: Weinbrennerstraße 10, 77815 Bühl
- Phone: (+49) 07223/80 61 93 – 0
Directions to Omnicar GmbH in Bühl 77815 Wir bieten Ihnen Elecktro busses Kleinbusse, Reisebus, Stadtbus, Schulbusse sowie Überlandbusse an