Road Maps

Directions to Omnicar GmbH in Bühl (77815)

Omnicar GmbH is located at Weinbrennerstraße 10, 77815 Bühl, in Bühl’s industrial area, easily accessible by car.

From the A5 Motorway:

  1. Take the “Bühl” exit (Exit 52).
  2. Follow the signs toward Bühl on L85.
  3. Turn right onto L87 and continue straight.
  4. Turn left onto Weinbrennerstraße.
  5. Omnicar GmbH is on the right at number 10.

From Bühl City Center:

  1. Drive south on Hauptstraße.
  2. Turn left onto L87.
  3. Turn right onto Weinbrennerstraße.
  4. Omnicar GmbH is on the right at number 10.

Contact Information:

  • Address: Weinbrennerstraße 10, 77815 Bühl
  • Phone: (+49) 07223/80 61 93 – 0

Directions to Omnicar GmbH in Bühl 77815 Wir bieten Ihnen Elecktro busses Kleinbusse, Reisebus, Stadtbus, Schulbusse sowie Überlandbusse an